Access Keys:

Scoil Bhríde, Mullaghrafferty, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan


2023/2024 School Year

21st Dec 2023
Many thanks to our Student Council and Susan for all their hard work providing hot...
21st Dec 2023
We had a very comfortable day in school, as everyone came dressed in their pyjamas....
20th Dec 2023
Sixth class organised an afternoon of board games for their buddies in the hall....
20th Dec 2023
There was great excitement today when jingling bells echoed through the corridors....
19th Dec 2023
Our class performed the story of the Nativity at our carol service. Sixth Class narrated...
15th Dec 2023
Well done to Juliette, Caoimhe, Tristian and Finian who represented our school in...
15th Dec 2023
Well done to those who won the Principal's Award for their great work in the classroom...
6th Dec 2023
Yesterday we went to a pantomime. It was on in the Táin Theatre, in Dundalk....