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Scoil Bhríde, Mullaghrafferty, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan

News - Mrs Martin

2023/2024 School Year

23rd Feb 2024
Congratulations to the girls and boys who got the "Principal's Award" this month.Junior...
23rd Feb 2024
Check out the videos of each class showcasing their new bags.
23rd Feb 2024
There was great excitement this morning as the children arrived to school for our...
14th Feb 2024
We celebrated Internet Safety Day on Tuesday 6th, February, in Scoil Bhride. The...
8th Feb 2024
Last week we celebrated St Brigid’s day, classes made crosses, wrote some poems...
24th Jan 2024
We had a lovely afternoon welcoming some of our much loved Grandparents to Scoil...
20th Dec 2023
Sixth class organised an afternoon of board games for their buddies in the hall....
20th Dec 2023
There was great excitement today when jingling bells echoed through the corridors....
15th Dec 2023
Well done to those who won the Principal's Award for their great work in the classroom...
20th Nov 2023
Well done to those who won the Principal's Award for their fantastic work in the...